Single-Leg Press

The single-leg press is a fantastic exercise for targeting and developing your lower body muscles. Unlike the traditional leg press where you use both legs, the single-leg press requires you to focus on one leg at a time. This approach not only improves muscular balance but also prevents any imbalances or weaknesses between your legs.

To perform the single-leg press, start by positioning yourself on a leg press machine. Place one foot on the platform and keep the other foot on the floor. From this position, push against resistance to extend your knee and hip joints until your leg is completely straightened out. Repeat this movement for as many reps as desired before switching to your other leg.

By isolating each leg, this exercise effectively engages key muscles like quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, and calves much more efficiently than exercises like squats. Additionally, it activates stabilizer muscles around your hips and core to maintain balance during the movement.

Incorporating single-leg presses into your workout routine offers various benefits such as:

  1. Muscular Balance: This exercise ensures that both of your limbs equally contribute in terms of effort and workload distribution.
  2. Strength Development: Single-leg presses enhance overall lower body strength by working multiple muscle groups simultaneously.
  3. Greater Glute Activation: By focusing on one side at a time, it allows better activation of glute muscles compared to bilateral exercises.
  4. Unilateral Rehabilitation: Single-leg presses can aid in rehabilitating injuries or strengthening weak areas after surgery as they highlight any discrepancies between limbs.
  5. Functional Leg Power: This exercise mimics common movements where one leg bears more weight than another (e. g., walking), resulting in improved functional capacity.

To maximize the benefits from single-leg presses throughout your fitness journey:

  • Experiment with different foot positions on the platform to target specific leg muscles.
  • Start with lighter weights and gradually increase as you get stronger.
  • Pay attention to maintaining proper form and technique during the exercise, engaging your core and keeping your spine neutral.
  • Consider including single-leg presses in your overall leg training routine for balanced muscle development.

Now that we have a better understanding of the benefits and importance of single-leg presses, let’s delve deeper into the correct way to perform this exercise.


1. Focused Muscle Engagement: Forget about the regular leg press; with the single-leg press, each leg does its own thing! This means every leg gets to work independently, resulting in awesome muscle activation and engagement, especially in those glutes and legs.

2. Improved Strength Imbalances: When you work one leg at a time, like with the single-leg press, you can spot and eliminate any differences in strength between your legs. This not only prevents injuries but also enhances your overall functional strength for everyday activities.

3. Enhanced Stability and Balance: Doing exercises on one leg, such as the single-leg press, demands greater core stability and balance because you have to keep control throughout the movement. This can transfer to better stability and balance in other exercises or activities too!

4. Targeted Rehabilitation: If you’re bouncing back from an injury or going through rehab, using the single-leg press is a fabulous way to strengthen specific muscle groups without overwhelming your precious joints.

To put it simply, including the single-leg press in your training routine brings countless benefits like enhanced muscle engagement, corrected strength imbalances, better stability and balance, as well as targeted rehabilitation potential. Your body will thank you!

Single-Leg Press Instructions

  1. Set Up: Adjust the seat height so that your knee joint is at a 90-degree angle when your foot is on the platform. Position yourself on the leg press machine with one foot in the middle of the platform and the other foot crossed over it or hanging off to the side.
  2. Foot Placement: Place your working foot flat against the platform and engage your heel to maintain stability throughout the movement.
  3. Form and Movement: Push through your working leg to extend it, maintaining control as you lower and raise the weight. Avoid locking out your knee at full extension, keeping a slight bend in this position for better muscle engagement.
  4. Breathing: Inhale as you lower the weight down and exhale as you push back up to starting position.
  5. Reps and Sets: Start with a light weight until you become familiar with the movement pattern. Aim for 10-12 reps per set, completing 2-3 sets per workout.

By following these instructions, you’ll be able to effectively perform single-leg presses to target specific muscles while improving stability and balance in your lower body workouts.

Barbell Bulgarian split squat

The Barbell Bulgarian split squat is an excellent alternative exercise for the single-leg press. This compound exercise targets the glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves while also engaging the core for stability. It is a unilateral leg press variation that provides numerous benefits for strength and hypertrophy training.

To perform the Barbell Bulgarian split squat, begin by placing a barbell across your upper back and stepping into a split stance with one foot positioned forward and the other foot resting behind you on a bench or elevated platform. Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground, making sure to keep your knee in line with your toes. Push through your front heel to stand back up to the starting position.

This exercise allows for greater depth and activation of muscles compared to traditional bilateral leg press exercises. It also enhances stability, balance, and coordination by challenging each leg independently.

Incorporating Barbell Bulgarian split squats into your lower body training routine will help you develop strong legs while improving single-leg strength and stability.

Advantages of the Exercise

The single-leg press offers several advantages over bilateral leg press variations. First and foremost, it allows for unilateral training, targeting one leg at a time. This is particularly beneficial for addressing muscular imbalances and deficiencies. Unlike bilateral leg presses, where both legs contribute equally to the movement, single-leg presses force each leg to work independently, thus ensuring that weaker muscles are adequately strengthened.

Another advantage is its effectiveness in rehabilitation programs. The single-leg press can be used to isolate specific muscles or joints, such as the knee extension for recovering from injuries or boosting joint stability after surgery.

Moreover, this exercise is ideal for individuals who want to increase their lower body strength without compromising on form. It places less stress on the lower back while still engaging major muscle groups like the glutes, quads, and hamstrings.

Lastly, the single-leg press helps improve flexibility as it requires greater stability and balance compared to traditional leg press exercises. By challenging your stabilizer muscles more intensely, it promotes better coordination and proprioception.

In summary, the advantages of incorporating the single-leg press into your workout routine include its ability to address muscular imbalances and deficiencies, support rehabilitation programs, target specific muscle groups effectively while maintaining proper form and technique, and enhance flexibility by improving stability and balance.

Form and Technique

  1. Positioning: Start by sitting on the machine with your back against the pad and your feet shoulder-width apart on the platform. Make sure that your knees are aligned with your toes and that your legs are at a 90-degree angle.
  2. Unilateral Technique: As you begin the exercise, focus on pushing through one leg at a time instead of using both legs simultaneously. This unilateral approach helps in targeting specific muscles and improving balance and stability.
  3. Controlled Movements: Slowly lower the platform by bending your knee until it reaches a 90-degree angle. Avoid jerking or bouncing during any part of the movement.
  4. Breathing: Exhale as you push away from the platform, extending your leg fully but not locking out at the knee joint. Inhale as you bring your leg back towards you, maintaining control throughout the entire range of motion.

By paying attention to these form and technique tips, you can perform single-leg presses effectively, reduce the risk of injury, and maximize muscle engagement for optimal results in strength training or rehabilitation programs.


To maximize your results with the single-leg press, it’s important to follow a proper progression plan. This will ensure that you continue challenging your muscles and gradually increase the intensity of your workouts.

  1. Start with bodyweight: Begin by performing the single-leg press without any added weights. This allows you to focus on mastering the form and technique while developing strength in your legs.
  2. Increase resistance gradually: Once you are comfortable with the bodyweight version, start adding weight plates to the machine. Begin with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as you get stronger.
  3. Aim for higher reps: Initially, focus on performing sets of 10-12 reps per leg. As you progress, gradually increase the number of reps to 15-20 per leg. This high-rep range helps promote muscle endurance and hypertrophy.
  4. Progress to unilateral variations: Once you feel confident in performing the standard single-leg press, you can level up by incorporating unilateral variations into your routine. These variations target each leg individually, allowing for greater muscular activation and balance improvement.
  5. Gradually reduce rest periods: As your fitness level improves, aim to decrease your rest periods between sets gradually. This increases the challenge on your muscles and helps improve cardiovascular conditioning.

Remember, proper progression is key when it comes to getting stronger and seeing long-term results from your single-leg press workouts!

Exercises and Nutrition for a Bigger, Firmer Bubble Butt

When it comes to building a bigger, firmer bubble butt, you gotta do the right exercises and eat the right food. The single-leg press is an awesome exercise that works your glutes, hamstrings, and quads. If you do this exercise properly and consistently, you’ll shape and strengthen those glute muscles for a bootylicious posterior.

To get the best results from your single-leg press workout, you need to give your body the right fuel. Eating a balanced diet with lots of lean proteins, healthy fats, and complex carbs will give your muscles the nutrients they need to grow and recover.

But don’t stop at just one exercise! There are other moves that can help you get that big butt you want. Try barbell Bulgarian split squats and hip thrusts – they target your glutes too. Mixing up your routine with different exercises will challenge all those different muscle groups.

Remember, consistency is key if you want to see progress in building a bigger butt. Stick to your workouts and eat well for the best results. With time, effort, and good nutrition, you’ll be on track to having a firmer and more defined bubble butt.

Top 5 Exercises to Get a Bigger Butt

If you want a bigger and firmer butt, there are some exercises that you should definitely add to your workout routine. Let me share with you the top 5 exercises that specifically target and strengthen your glute muscles:

  1. The first exercise is the incredible Single-Leg Press. What makes this exercise so effective is its ability to activate your glutes and build strength. It takes things further by providing a unilateral leg press variation, which turns up the challenge by focusing on one leg at a time. This helps in achieving greater muscle activation and improving any muscle imbalances you may have.
  2. Another fantastic exercise is the Barbell Bulgarian split squat. This one does wonders for your glutes, quads, and hamstrings. You’ll need to step back with one foot while keeping the other foot elevated on a bench or platform behind you. Lower your body into a strong lunge position and then use your front leg to push yourself back up.
  3. Let’s not forget the powerful move called Hip Thrusts. These bad boys primarily target your glutes but also engage the hamstrings and quadriceps. First, sit on the ground with your upper back against a bench, then bend your knees and place resistance across your hips (you can even use a barbell). Finally, drive through your heels as you lift those hips towards the ceiling.
  4. Moving on, we have Walking Lunges in our glute arsenal! This compound exercise fires up multiple lower body muscles like the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps all at once. Simply take a step forward with one leg and lower yourself down until both knees are bent at 90-degree angles. Then push off using your front heel to stand up tall again.
  5. Last but certainly not least is an exercise known as the Glute Bridge. By performing this move, you’ll effectively isolate and activate your gluteus maximus muscle. To do it, lie flat on your back with bent knees and firmly plant your feet near your hips. By pushing downward through your heels, slowly lift your hips off the floor until your thighs align parallel to the ground. And then gently return back down.

Now, aren’t these exercises worth incorporating into your fitness routine? Trust me, they are! Along with proper nutrition for muscle growth, these exercises will help you achieve that dream of a bigger and firmer butt.

10 Best Exercises to Build Bigger Back Muscles and Biceps

Hey there! If you’re aiming to amplify your back muscles and biceps, the single-leg press is a real game-changer. This exercise not only hones in on your lower body but also gets your upper body involved, making it an excellent all-around movement for boosting muscle growth.

The single-leg press works wonders for targeting your glutes and hamstrings while simultaneously engaging your core for stability. Unlike its bilateral counterpart, this exercise allows for one leg to do the heavy lifting, which helps address any muscle imbalances or weaknesses that might exist between your legs.

So, how do you perform the single-leg press exactly? Here’s a quick rundown:

  1. Hop onto the leg pressing machine and rest one foot on the platform.
  2. Activate those glutes and hamstrings as you fully extend your leg by pushing through your heel.
  3. Take it nice and slow as you bring the platform back down, maintaining control through the entire motion.
  4. Repeat this process for your desired number of reps before switching over to the other leg.

Incorporate this exercise into your routine, and watch as you effectively target and strengthen your back muscles and biceps while boosting overall lower body strength.

Ready to up your gain game? Give the single-leg press a go!


What is a single-leg press?

The single-leg press is an exercise that targets the lower body, specifically the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. It is performed by using a leg press machine with only one leg, which helps to improve balance and stability.

What are the benefits of the single-leg press?

The single-leg press offers several benefits, including increased leg strength, improved balance and stability, increased muscle activation, and reduced muscle imbalances between the legs.

How do I perform the single-leg press?

To perform the single-leg press, start by adjusting the leg press machine to fit your height and preference. Place one foot on the platform, with the other leg extended off to the side. Push the platform away from you using the heel of the foot on the platform, until your knee is almost fully extended. Lower the platform back to the starting position and repeat for the desired number of reps.

Are there any alternative exercises for the single-leg press?

Yes, there are alternative exercises that target similar muscles as the single-leg press, such as the barbell Bulgarian split squat, lunges, and step-ups.

What are the advantages of the barbell Bulgarian split squat?

The barbell Bulgarian split squat is a variation of the split squat exercise that places more emphasis on the glutes and hamstrings. It also helps to improve balance and stability, and can be performed with a barbell or dumbbells.

How many sets and reps should I do for the single-leg press?

The number of sets and reps for the single-leg press can vary depending on your goals and fitness level. It is recommended to start with 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps per leg, and adjust the weight and reps as needed.

What is the proper form and technique for the single-leg press?

To maintain proper form and technique during the single-leg press, make sure to keep your back flat against the backrest, engage your core, and push through the heel of the foot on the platform. Avoid locking your knees at the top of the movement and maintain a controlled and steady pace throughout.


In conclusion, the single-leg press is a highly effective exercise for targeting and strengthening the glute muscles. It offers numerous benefits such as increased glute activation, improved balance and stability, and reduced risk of muscle imbalances or compensations. By performing unilateral leg press variations, you can further challenge your muscles and enhance overall muscle development.

While the single-leg press is an excellent exercise, it should not be the only exercise in your workout routine. It’s important to incorporate other exercises such as squats and lunges to target different muscle groups and promote overall lower body strength.

Remember, proper form and technique are crucial when performing the single-leg press or any other exercise. Always start with lighter weights and gradually increase the resistance as your strength improves. Listen to your body and make adjustments accordingly to avoid injury.

To optimize your results, combine your leg press training with a well-balanced nutrition plan that supports muscle growth and recovery. Focus on consuming enough protein, complex carbohydrates, healthy fats, and staying hydrated throughout your training journey.

By incorporating the single-leg press into your fitness routine along with other targeted exercises, you can achieve stronger glutes, enhanced lower body strength, and improved athletic performance. So go ahead and give it a try – you’ll be amazed at what you’re able to accomplish!