Partner Medicine Ball Workouts

Partner medicine ball workouts are a fun and effective way to take your fitness routine to the next level. These dynamic exercises involve using a medicine ball in combination with a partner, allowing you to challenge your strength, coordination, and teamwork skills. Whether you’re looking to spice up your solo workout routine or add an element of competition and camaraderie to your fitness regimen, partner medicine ball workouts offer endless possibilities.

In this article, we will explore a variety of partner exercises that can be performed with a medicine ball. From explosive tosses to core-strengthening movements, these exercises target different muscle groups while providing an engaging and challenging experience for both partners.

Before diving into the specific workouts, it’s important to note that communication and coordination with your partner are key. It’s crucial for both individuals in the partnership to understand the movements involved and communicate effectively throughout the workout session. Safety should always be prioritized during any physical activity.

Now let’s dive into some exciting partner medicine ball exercises that will help elevate your fitness game!

Med Ball Toss

Looking to add some fun and intensity to your partner medicine ball workouts? The med ball toss is a perfect exercise to incorporate into your routine. This challenging and engaging movement not only strengthens your muscles but also improves coordination and enhances the effectiveness of your workout.

To perform the med ball toss, stand facing your partner with a comfortable distance between you. Start by holding the medicine ball at chest level, keeping it close to your body. Then, using a powerful explosive movement, throw the ball towards your partner. Your partner will catch the ball and immediately throw it back to you in one fluid motion.

By incorporating variations like overhead throws or rotational tosses, you can target different muscle groups and increase the difficulty level of this exercise. Experimenting with different weights of medicine balls can also provide additional challenges for both partners.

Not only does the med ball toss promote strength-building, but it also adds a touch of competitiveness and motivation as you challenge each other’s athletic abilities. This exercise is an excellent opportunity for partners to push each other beyond their limits while having a great time together.

So why wait? Grab a medicine ball and bring in some high-energy excitement into your workout routine with the med ball toss!

Double Tap

The Double Tap exercise is a super awesome partner medicine ball workout that not only makes your core and upper body strong like a superhero, but also makes you coordinated and quick like a ninja. This exercise is perfect for people who want to add some fun and spice to their fitness routine and keep things interesting.

Here’s how you do it: you and your amazing partner should stand facing each other, just about an arm’s length away. Both of you should hold a medicine ball right in front of your chest with both hands (superhero power pose!). Now, get ready to show off those killer reflexes. Start by tossing the medicine ball to your partner using a fancy chest pass technique. And as soon as your incredible partner catches the ball, they gotta quickly tap it with both hands before throwing it back at you (boom! like lightning). Keep repeating this awesome sequence for however many times or for however long you want to feel like superheroes.

The Double Tap exercise works out bunches of muscles, including the ones in your chest, shoulders, triceps, and core. Plus, it challenges your coordination skills and helps you react lightning fast (ninja level unlocked!), so if you’re an athlete or someone who wants to be super agile, this exercise is definitely for yooouu!

But wait, there’s more! To get the most out of this wicked exercise, remember to focus on keeping proper form. Engage that amazing core of yours, keep that back straight (superhero posture!), and make sure those wrists are aligned with those forearms so we can avoid any strain or injuries (ouch!).

Adding the Double Tap exercise into your workout routine brings in heaps of variety and excitement while targeting all those important muscles we wanna work on (go team!). So grab an incredible partner, put on those superhero capes (optional), and get ready to have an absolute blast with this challenging yet completely worth-it medicine ball workout!

Side Angle Pass

The Side Angle Pass is a dynamic and engaging partner exercise that can be performed using a medicine ball. This exercise not only challenges your core strength and stability but also helps improve coordination and teamwork with your workout partner.

To perform the Side Angle Pass, follow these steps:

  1. Stand facing each other with a slight distance between you and your partner.
  2. Hold the medicine ball in both hands, keeping it at chest level.
  3. Take a step to the side with one foot and pivot on that foot so that you are now facing away from your partner.
  4. As you pivot, rotate your torso towards your partner and pass the medicine ball to them by extending your arms out in front of you.
  5. Your partner will catch the ball, rotate their torso in the opposite direction, and repeat the pass back to you.
  6. Continue passing the ball back and forth in this manner for a set number of repetitions or for a specific duration.

This exercise targets muscles like the obliques, shoulders, chest, and core. It also improves stability through rotational movements which are essential for many sports and daily activities.

Adding variety to your workout routine is important for continuous progress. Try incorporating different variations of passes such as overhead passes or underhand passes to work different muscle groups and challenge yourselves further.

Remember to communicate with your partner throughout the exercise to ensure smooth transitions and avoid any injuries or accidents.

So grab a medicine ball, find yourself a workout partner, and start challenging yourselves with the Side Angle Pass!

Plank Ball Roll

Looking to take your partner medicine ball workouts to the next level? Try incorporating the Plank Ball Roll into your routine. This challenging exercise not only engages your core but also enhances coordination and stability.

To perform the Plank Ball Roll, start in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and the medicine ball placed under one hand. Engage your core and maintain a straight line from head to toe. With control, roll the medicine ball from one hand to the other, keeping your hips stable throughout the movement. Repeat for a set number of repetitions or time.

Not only does this exercise target your abs, but it also activates muscles in your arms, shoulders, and back. It challenges your balance and proprioception while strengthening multiple muscle groups simultaneously.

To make this exercise more challenging, try using a heavier medicine ball or increasing the tempo of the roll. You can also experiment with different variations like rolling the ball between your feet or adding a push-up after each roll.

Incorporating Plank Ball Rolls into your partner medicine ball routine will bring variety and added difficulty to your workout. Get ready for an intense core challenge that will leave you feeling accomplished and stronger than ever before!

Side Plank with a Tap

The Side Plank with a Tap is one of the most effective partner medicine ball exercises that not only targets your core muscles but also improves your stability and balance. This exercise is great for engaging your obliques, shoulders, and hips while adding an extra challenge with the use of a medicine ball.

To perform the Side Plank with a Tap, begin by assuming a side plank position on your forearm with your feet stacked together and legs extended. Your body should form a straight line from head to toe. Your partner will stand beside you holding the medicine ball.

  • Start by raising your top arm towards the ceiling while simultaneously lifting your top leg.
  • As you reach the highest point of the lift, tap the medicine ball on top of it with control.
  • Slowly return to starting position and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.
  • Switch sides and repeat on the other side.

This exercise requires coordination, stability, and strength to maintain proper form throughout each repetition. The added challenge of tapping the medicine ball enhances proprioception and challenges your core muscles even further.


  • Targets core muscles including obliques, shoulders, and hips
  • Improves stability and balance
  • Enhances proprioception
  • Challenges coordination and strength

Incorporating the Side Plank with a Tap into your partner medicine ball workout routine will add variety to engage different muscle groups while keeping things fun and challenging.

Crunch Toss

The crunch toss is a dynamic and engaging partner exercise that combines the traditional crunch with the added challenge of using a medicine ball. This exercise targets your abdominal muscles, particularly the rectus abdominis and obliques, while also engaging your partner for an extra element of fun and motivation.

To perform the crunch toss, start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Hold onto a medicine ball with both hands, arms extended straight above your chest. As you engage your core muscles, lift your head, neck, and shoulders off the ground while simultaneously tossing the ball to your partner who is standing in front of you. Catch the ball as they throw it back to you and slowly lower yourself back down to complete one repetition.

One of the key benefits of this exercise is its ability to strengthen not only your abs but also improve upper body coordination and power. Additionally, it adds an element of excitement when working out with a partner. So grab a friend or workout buddy and get ready to challenge yourselves with some crunch tosses!

Here are some tips to get the most out of this exercise:

  • Start with a lightweight medicine ball if you’re new to this exercise.
  • Maintain control throughout each repetition by focusing on using your core muscles rather than relying solely on momentum.
  • Communicate effectively with your partner to ensure smooth transitions between tosses.

Next up, we’ll explore another fantastic partner exercise: Russian Twist! Stay tuned for more effective workouts that will take your fitness routine to the next level.

Russian Twist

The Russian Twist is another effective exercise that you can do with a partner using a medicine ball. This exercise targets your abdominal muscles, obliques, and lower back while also engaging your arms and shoulders.

To perform the Russian Twist, follow these steps:

  1. Sit on the ground facing your partner with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Hold the medicine ball in both hands, extending your arms straight out in front of you.
  3. Lean back slightly to engage your core muscles.
  4. Simultaneously twist your torso to one side, bringing the medicine ball towards your hip on that side.
  5. Pause briefly at the end of the twist and then twist in the opposite direction, bringing the ball to your other hip.
  6. Continue alternating sides for the desired number of repetitions.

This exercise can be made more challenging by increasing the weight of the medicine ball or by leaning further back to increase resistance. Remember to keep your core engaged throughout the movement and maintain controlled twists without jerking or swinging.

The Russian Twist is a great way to target multiple muscle groups while also improving coordination and stability. It’s important to communicate with your partner during this exercise to ensure proper form and coordination between movements.

Incorporating medicine ball partner challenges, medicine ball partner routines, and medicine ball partner drills like this into your workout routine adds variety and fun while also strengthening different muscle groups for a well-rounded fitness regimen.

Wall balls

Wall balls are a popular exercise in partner medicine ball workouts that target the entire body, particularly the legs, core, and upper body. This exercise helps improve strength, power, and endurance while challenging your coordination and balance.


To perform wall balls, start by standing facing a sturdy wall with your partner. Both of you should hold a medicine ball at chest level with your feet shoulder-width apart. Bend into a squat position, keeping your back straight and core engaged. As you ascend from the squat position, use the power from your legs to explode upwards and throw the medicine ball against the wall at a target height.


  1. Medicine Ball Slam: Instead of throwing the ball against the wall, slam it down forcefully on the ground using both hands.
  2. Alternating Wall Balls: Take turns throwing the medicine ball against the wall with each repetition.
  3. Overhead Throw: Instead of throwing the ball at chest level, extend your arms overhead before releasing it towards the wall.


  • Maintain good form throughout the exercise to prevent injury.
  • Start with a lighter medicine ball and gradually increase weight as you get stronger.
  • Communicate with your partner to ensure safe and smooth transitions during tosses.
  • Focus on using explosive lower body strength to generate power for each throw.

Including wall balls in your partner medicine ball workout routine can add variety and intensity to your training sessions while challenging multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Remember to consult with a fitness professional before starting any new exercise program especially if you have any existing medical conditions or injuries.

Sit up ball toss

The sit-up ball toss is an exhilarating exercise that not only targets your core muscles but also gets your upper body involved. It’s a perfect blend of the classic sit-up movement and the thrill of catching and throwing a medicine ball.

To perform the sit-up ball toss, find a partner and position yourselves facing each other on the floor. Remember to keep your knees bent and feet flat on the ground, giving you enough space to pass the medicine ball back and forth.

  1. Lie down on your back, cradling the medicine ball against your chest.
  2. Engage those strong core muscles to lift your upper body off the ground, transitioning into a sit-up posture.
  3. When you reach the peak of your sit-up, use both hands to launch the medicine ball towards your partner.
  4. Simultaneously, your partner should catch the ball and execute their own invigorating sit-up.
  5. Repeat this dynamic tossing and catching routine for a specific number of repetitions or a predetermined time frame.
  6. Keep up open communication with each other throughout this exercise to maintain impeccable timing and coordination.

The sit-up ball toss not only puts stress on your abdominal muscles but also enhances hand-eye coordination, reaction time, and teamwork skills. If you want an extra challenge, consider using a heavier medicine ball or introducing variations like incorporating twists during the sit-up or throwing from different angles.

Remember, it’s always wise to start with a lighter-weight medicine ball until you get comfortable with the movement pattern of this exercise before advancing to heavier options. Moreover, if you have any existing medical conditions or pre-existing injuries that might be affected by this workout, it’s best to consult with a qualified fitness professional beforehand.

So grab yourself an enthusiastic partner and get ready for some serious abs strengthening while enjoying some laughter-filled moments!

Medicine ball pass

The medicine ball pass is a fantastic partner workout that not only strengthens your core but also improves coordination and communication with your workout buddy. This exercise involves tossing the medicine ball back and forth, engaging multiple muscle groups and challenging your balance and stability.

To perform the medicine ball pass, follow these steps:

  1. Stand facing your partner, about an arm’s length apart.
  2. Hold the medicine ball with both hands at chest level.
  3. Engage your core muscles and maintain a stable stance throughout the exercise.
  4. Simultaneously twist your torso as you toss the ball to your partner.
  5. Your partner catches the ball while maintaining proper form.
  6. Your partner then twists their torso to throw the ball back to you.
  7. Continue passing the ball back and forth for a determined number of repetitions or a set amount of time.

The key to a successful medicine ball pass is smooth transitions between each toss and catch. It’s important to communicate with your partner, ensuring that both of you are ready for each throw.

This exercise targets various muscle groups, including the abs, obliques, shoulders, chest, and arms. It also enhances explosive power and improves hand-eye coordination.

If you’re looking to add some variety to your workout routine, try incorporating different variations of the medicine ball pass such as standing on one leg or adding in lunges or squats.

Remember to start with a lighter weight if you’re new to this exercise and gradually increase as you build strength and confidence. So grab a partner, pick up a medicine ball, and enjoy this fun and effective workout together!

Uneven push-ups

Uneven push-ups take the traditional push-up exercise to another level, offering a challenging variation that requires coordination and stability. And with the help of a partner and a medicine ball, you can amp up the difficulty even more.

When performing uneven push-ups with a partner, each of you will assume the push-up position, but with one hand on the ground and the other resting on a medicine ball. Your partner will mirror your stance on the opposite side. As you lower your body down, your partner will simultaneously raise theirs up.

The key to success lies in coordinating your movements perfectly. It’s crucial that as you descend, your partner ascends, and vice versa. This synchronized motion creates an uneven pushing action that intensifies the challenge for both individuals involved.

Uneven push-ups not only enhance strength and stability of the upper body muscles but also cultivate coordination, timing, and communication skills between partners. Furthermore, by incorporating a medicine ball into this exercise, you’ll experience an additional level of core engagement.

Don’t hesitate to incorporate uneven push-ups into your partner medicine ball workouts—they’ll skyrocket your fitness routine to new heights! So grab a friend or workout buddy, get hold of a medicine ball, and prepare for an exhilarating upper body workout like no other!

Wall sit & burpees

Wall sit & burpees is a challenging and dynamic partner medicine ball workout that targets multiple muscle groups. It combines the strength-building benefits of wall sits with the explosive movements of burpees, all while incorporating the use of a medicine ball. This workout not only helps improve strength and endurance but also promotes coordination, balance, and core stability.

To perform the wall sit & burpees exercise, you and your partner will need to find a clear wall space to perform the exercise. Here’s how it’s done:

  1. Positioning: Stand facing each other with about an arm’s length distance between you and your partner.
  2. Wall Sit: Both partners should lean against the wall and slide down into a seated position with knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Make sure your back is pressed firmly against the wall.
  3. Burpees: Simultaneously, both partners will push off the wall, jump up explosively, then drop down into a plank position with hands shoulder-width apart on the floor.
  4. Ball Toss: While in plank position, one partner will receive the medicine ball from their partner standing in front of them and quickly toss it back to them as they return to standing position.
  5. Repeat: Continue alternating between wall sits and burpees, passing the medicine ball back and forth between partners during each plank position.

This intense workout engages your leg muscles during wall sits, builds cardiovascular endurance during burpees, enhances upper body strength during ball tosses, and challenges your core stability throughout.

Remember to communicate with your partner for seamless transitions and smooth handoffs of the medicine ball. As always, it’s important to prioritize safety by using proper form and choosing an appropriate weight for the medicine ball based on your fitness level.

Lunge with partner ball toss

The lunge with partner ball toss is an effective exercise that combines lower body strength training with core engagement and coordination. This challenging movement not only targets your glutes, hamstrings, and quads, but also engages the muscles in your shoulders, chest, and abs.

To perform the lunge with partner ball toss, you will need a medicine ball and a workout buddy. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Stand facing each other with about 4-6 feet of space between you.
  2. Hold the medicine ball with both hands at chest level.
  3. Take a step forward with your right foot and bend both knees to lower into a lunge position.
  4. As you come back up from the lunge, explosively push off your right foot while simultaneously tossing the ball to your partner.
  5. Your partner should catch the ball and immediately step forward into their own lunge position on their opposite leg.
  6. Repeat the movement by explosively pushing off their front foot while tossing the ball back to you.

This exercise can be done for a set number of repetitions or for a specific amount of time before switching legs.

The lunge with partner ball toss not only challenges your lower body strength and stability but also adds an element of coordination as you synchronize your movements with your partner. It’s a fun and dynamic exercise that can help improve balance, power, and overall athleticism.

Remember to start with a weight that allows you to maintain proper form throughout the exercise. As you become more comfortable and proficient with this movement, gradually increase the weight of the medicine ball for added resistance.

Give this exercise a try during your next partner workout session for an exciting way to level up your lunges!


What are partner medicine ball workouts?

Partner medicine ball workouts are exercises that involve using a medicine ball to perform various movements and exercises with a partner. These workouts help improve strength, coordination, and core stability while adding an element of fun and teamwork.

What are the benefits of partner medicine ball workouts?

Partner medicine ball workouts offer several benefits, including improved strength, power, and coordination. They also help in developing core stability and enhance the effectiveness of the workout by adding an element of competition and motivation.

Who can do partner medicine ball workouts?

Partner medicine ball workouts can be done by individuals of all fitness levels. However, it is recommended to have some prior experience with medicine ball exercises and proper form to avoid injury. Beginners should start with lighter medicine balls and gradually increase the weight as they gain strength and confidence.

Are partner medicine ball workouts suitable for beginners?

Yes, partner medicine ball workouts can be modified to suit beginners. It is important to start with lighter medicine balls and focus on proper form and technique. Beginners can also start with simpler exercises and gradually progress to more advanced movements as they gain strength and coordination.

What precautions should be taken while doing partner medicine ball workouts?

When doing partner medicine ball workouts, it is important to communicate and coordinate with your partner to ensure safety and avoid accidents. Make sure to choose a suitable weight for the medicine ball, maintain proper form, and listen to your body. If you experience any pain or discomfort, stop the exercise and consult a fitness professional.

Can partner medicine ball workouts be done alone?

While partner medicine ball workouts are designed to be done with a partner, many of the exercises can be modified and performed alone. For example, you can do wall balls by yourself by throwing the ball against a wall and catching it. However, having a partner adds an extra element of motivation and competition.

How often should partner medicine ball workouts be done?

The frequency of partner medicine ball workouts depends on your fitness goals and level of experience. It is recommended to start with 1-2 sessions per week and gradually increase the frequency as you become more comfortable and stronger. It is important to listen to your body and allow for proper rest and recovery between workouts.

What equipment is needed for partner medicine ball workouts?

The main equipment needed for partner medicine ball workouts is a medicine ball of appropriate weight. It is also important to have a clear and open space to perform the exercises safely. Additionally, depending on the specific exercises, you may need a wall or a partner for certain movements.

Can partner medicine ball workouts be incorporated into a regular workout routine?

Yes, partner medicine ball workouts can be incorporated into a regular workout routine. They can serve as a fun and challenging addition to traditional strength training exercises. You can dedicate a specific day or session to partner medicine ball workouts or incorporate them into your existing workouts by replacing certain exercises with their partner variations.


In conclusion, partner medicine ball workouts can be a fun and effective way to add variety and challenge to your fitness routine. By incorporating exercises like Med Ball Toss, Double Tap, Side Angle Pass, Plank Ball Roll, Side Plank with a Tap, Crunch Toss, Russian Twist, Wall balls, Sit up ball toss, Medicine ball pass, Uneven push-ups, Wall sit & burpees, and Lunge with partner ball toss into your workout regimen, you can improve coordination, strength, and stability while enjoying the benefits of teamwork and camaraderie.

Partner medicine ball workouts provide a unique opportunity to engage in interactive exercises that require communication and synchronization with your training partner. This not only adds an element of excitement but also encourages accountability as you work together towards achieving your fitness goals.

Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced athlete, partner medicine ball workouts offer scalable options that can be tailored to your individual needs and abilities. Additionally, these workouts can be easily modified to target specific muscle groups or incorporate cardiovascular elements for a well-rounded training session.

Remember to always warm up properly before starting any exercise routine and consult with a healthcare professional or certified trainer if you have any underlying health conditions or concerns.

So why not grab a partner and give partner medicine ball workouts a try? It’s a challenging and enjoyable way to stay fit while fostering teamwork and building relationships in the process!