Hip Thrust Alternatives

The hip thrust is a popular exercise for targeting and strengthening the glute muscles. However, it may not be suitable or accessible to everyone due to various reasons such as lack of equipment, space constraints, or discomfort with the movement pattern. In this article, we will explore alternative exercises that provide similar benefits to the hip thrust and target the same muscle groups.

Finding a suitable alternative hip thrust exercise can help add variety to your workout routine and prevent boredom. It also allows you to work your glutes in different ways and challenge them from various angles. Whether you’re working out at home or in a commercial gym, there are plenty of options available that can effectively activate and strengthen your glute muscles.

In this section, we will introduce several alternatives to the barbell hip thrust that require minimal equipment and offer comparable benefits for glute development. These exercises include stability ball hip thrusts, cable pull-throughs, kettlebell swings, single-leg band hip thrusts, Bulgarian split squats, mini band frog hip thrusts, resistance band hip thrusts, and chaos band hip thrusts. Each exercise provides a unique stimulus for your glutes while promoting strength and muscle growth.

What is a Hip Thrust?

The hip thrust is an incredible exercise for working those gluteal muscles and building up strength in your lower body. To do it, you simply extend your hips by pushing through your heels, all while balancing a weighted barbell on your upper back and shoulders. Easy peasy, right? You start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet planted firmly on the ground. Then, with the barbell resting across your pelvis, you drive those hips upwards towards the ceiling, really squeezing those glutes tight. At the tippy top of the movement, hold for a teeny moment before slowly lowering yourself back down to complete one full rep.

Now here’s what’s cool about this exercise – not only does it effectively target your booty muscles, but it also puts less strain on your lower back compared to other compound exercises like squats and deadlifts. So you’re getting that same muscle activation, without as much impact on your precious spine. Plus, in addition to hitting up that gluteus maximus (the biggest glute muscle), you’re also giving some love to other important leg muscles like the quadriceps femoris and hamstrings. It’s like a total package deal.

And guess what? When you incorporate hip thrusts into your regular workout routine, not only will you boost strength and size in those glutes (hello peach emoji), but you’ll also see improvements in more functional movements like squats and jumps – things that actually come in handy in everyday life (or if you decide to become an Olympic athlete – no pressure).

So why not give hip thrusts a try? Your derriere will thank you for it!

Muscles Trained by the Hip Thrust

The hip thrust exercise is a true powerhouse that does wonders for your lower body muscles. If you want to know which specific muscles get worked during a hip thrust and find alternative exercises that target those same muscle groups effectively, then keep reading.

First and foremost, the star of the show when it comes to the hip thrust is the gluteus maximus. This magnificent muscle, residing in your gluteal region, is the largest one there. It plays a crucial role in extending your hips and generating power during actions like sprinting or jumping. It’s the powerhouse behind all those explosive movements.

But wait, there’s more! The hip thrust also engages another important muscle group – your hamstrings. You can find these guys at the back of your thighs. They are essential for knee flexion and provide stability while extending your hips when doing activities such as walking, running, or even jumping.

While both the gluteus maximus and hamstrings take center stage during a hip thrust, they’re not alone in this performance. Other muscles join in on the action too! The quadriceps femoris group located in front of your thighs helps with knee extension and stabilization. There’s also some assistance from the adductor magnus on the inner thigh, which aids in hip adduction. Plus, smaller stabilizing muscles like the erector spinae in your lower back come into play to maintain proper posture throughout the movement.

Now that we have a good understanding of which muscles get involved during a hip thrust, let’s talk about finding alternatives to this exercise. It’s important to choose exercises that target these same muscle groups. Look for movements that have similar ranges of motion and prioritize glute activation. By doing so, you can continue strengthening and building up size in these vital areas.

Feel free to explore different options while keeping these key muscles in mind—your glutes will thank you!

What Makes a Good Hip Thrust Alternative?

When looking for a good hip thrust alternative, there are a few factors to consider. First and foremost, the exercise should target the same muscle groups as the hip thrust – primarily the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps. This ensures that you are still getting a comprehensive lower body workout.

Another important aspect is range of motion. The alternative exercise should allow for a similar range of motion as the hip thrust, activating the muscles through their full potential.

Additionally, maintaining proper form and technique is crucial in any exercise. The alternative exercise should allow you to keep your back and spine in a neutral position while engaging the targeted muscle groups.

Finally, versatility and accessibility are important factors to consider. Choose an exercise that can be easily incorporated into your routine with minimal equipment or modifications. This ensures that you can continue working on your glute strength and size regardless of your surroundings or available resources.

Keeping these considerations in mind will help you choose an effective hip thrust alternative that suits your individual needs and fitness goals.

Barbell Hip Thrust Alternatives

Okay, so here’s the deal folks. We’re about to dig deep into some awesome alternatives to the barbell hip thrust exercise. Now, don’t get me wrong, the barbell hip thrust is fantastic for sculpting those glute muscles and making them stronger than ever! But hey, a little variety never hurt nobody. It’s always good to have some extra moves up your sleeve, you know what I mean? These alternative exercises bring something different to the table, adding spice and excitement to your workouts. They’ll hit your glutes from various angles and give you that fresh feel. So buckle up, we’re about to explore some amazing alternatives that will rock your world!

Stability Ball Hip Thrust

The stability ball hip thrust is an amazing alternative to the traditional barbell hip thrust. This exercise specifically targets your gluteus maximus, as well as your hamstrings and quads (source). If you’re looking to strengthen your glutes and improve core stability, this is a great choice for you!

Okay, so here’s how you do it: sit on top of a stability ball with your feet flat on the ground (source). Gently roll yourself back until the upper part of your back is resting on the ball and your knees are bent at a 90-degree angle. Make sure to position your feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart and engage your core (source).

Now, press through your heels to lift those hips off the ground! Really focus on squeezing those glutes when you reach the top of the movement, and remember to keep that spine neutral throughout. Then, lower yourself back down to complete one repetition (source).

If you want to kick things up a notch, try placing a weight plate or dumbbell across your pelvis while doing this exercise. That will definitely increase the intensity (source). And for a great workout, aim for 10-15 repetitions per set. Make sure to incorporate this into your lower body routine for maximum activation of those glutes!

Cable Pull Through

I’m excited to share with you another incredible alternative to the traditional Barbell Hip Thrust – the Cable Pull Through! This exercise not only targets your gluteus maximus, hamstrings, and core muscles, but it also helps improve hip stability while engaging your posterior chain muscles.

To get started, attach a rope handle to a cable machine set at a low position. Stand facing away from the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Now, grab the rope handle between your legs and hinge forward at the hips while keeping your spine neutral. Remember to maintain tension in your hamstrings and glutes throughout.

As you exhale, push your hips forward and drive them straight with a slight knee extension. Feel those hamstrings and glutes working! When you return to the starting position, remember to inhale by bending your knees and hinging at the hips.

The best part about the Cable Pull Through is that it allows for a large range of motion while providing constant tension on your glutes and hamstrings throughout each movement. What’s even better is that this exercise minimizes stress on the lumbar region, which makes it perfect for individuals with lower back issues.

Why not incorporate this amazing exercise into your lower body workout routine? It will help strengthen all those important posterior chain muscle groups and enhance overall glute development. Your body will thank you!

Kettlebell Swing

The kettlebell swing is a dynamic and powerful hip extension exercise that targets the glutes, hamstrings, and hip flexors. It is an excellent alternative to the barbell hip thrust as it provides similar benefits but with added cardiovascular conditioning.

To perform the kettlebell swing, you’ll need a kettlebell of an appropriate weight. Start in a shoulder-width stance with the kettlebell on the floor in front of you. Hinging at the hips and keeping your spine neutral, grab the handle of the kettlebell with both hands using an overhand grip. From this starting position, engage your core and drive your hips back and bending your knees slightly before explosively driving your hips forward to thrust the kettlebell up to shoulder height using the power generated from your glutes.

It’s important to note that during the movement, you should keep tension in your glutes throughout and maintain a neutral spine to prevent lower back issues. The primary focus should be on engaging the glutes and maintaining proper form rather than solely moving heavy weights.

Incorporating kettlebell swings into your workout routine is a great way to add variety, increase strength, and target your gluteus maximus effectively.

Single-Leg Band Hip Thrust

The Single-Leg Band Hip Thrust is an excellent alternative to the traditional barbell hip thrust. This exercise targets the glutes, hamstrings, and quads while also working on stability and balance. It can be performed using resistance bands, which adds variety to your workout routine.

  1. Attach a resistance band around both legs just above your knees.
  2. Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart.
  3. Extend one leg straight out in front of you while keeping a slight bend in the knee of your supporting leg.
  4. Drive through your heel and squeeze your glutes as you lift your hips off the ground into a bridge position.
  5. Pause for a moment at the top of the movement, then slowly lower back down to starting position.
  6. Repeat for desired number of reps and then switch legs.

By performing this exercise unilaterally, you can address any strength imbalances between sides and promote symmetrical development. Additionally, using resistance bands provides continuous tension throughout the movement for greater muscle activation.

Single-Leg Band Hip Thrust

Remember to maintain proper form by keeping a neutral spine and engaging your core throughout the exercise. Start with lighter resistance bands and gradually increase tension as you progress in strength. The Single-Leg Band Hip Thrust is a great addition to any lower body strength training program and can help improve performance in athletic activities or everyday movements requiring hip extension power.

Bulgarian Split Squat

The Bulgarian Split Squat is another excellent alternative to the traditional barbell hip thrust. This exercise targets both the glutes and quads, making it a great compound movement for lower body strength development.

To perform the Bulgarian Split Squat, start by standing with one foot about two feet in front of a bench or platform. Rest the top of your back foot on the bench. Keep your torso upright and engage your core for stability.

As you lower into the squat, bend your front knee while keeping your back leg straight and elevated. Aim to lower down until your front thigh is parallel to the ground, ensuring that your knee doesn’t extend far beyond your toes.

To return to the starting position, push through your front heel and drive back upwards. Repeat for the desired number of repetitions before switching legs.

The Bulgarian Split Squat not only activates the glute muscles but also challenges balance and stability, helping to correct any strength imbalances between left and right sides.

Mini Band Frog Hip Thrust

The mini band frog hip thrust is another effective alternative to the traditional barbell hip thrust. This exercise targets the glute muscles and helps to build strength and power in the hips and glutes.

To perform the mini band frog hip thrust, you will need a mini resistance band that fits around your thighs. Start by placing the band just above your knees and lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground and knees bent. Then, push through your heels to lift your hips off the ground while simultaneously pushing your knees outwards against the resistance of the band. Focus on squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement for maximum activation.

The mini band frog hip thrust not only targets the glutes but also engages other muscles like hamstrings, quads, and core stabilizers. It’s a great exercise to add variety to your glute workout routine and works well as a finisher or as part of a lower body strength training circuit. Give it a try to feel an intense burn in your glutes!

Resistance Band Hip Thrust

Another effective alternative to the barbell hip thrust is the Resistance Band Hip Thrust. This exercise targets your glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps while also adding resistance to challenge your muscles.

To perform this exercise:

  1. Sit on the ground with your back against a bench or sturdy object.
  2. Loop a resistance band around both thighs, just above your knees.
  3. Place your feet flat on the floor about hip-width apart, heels close to your glutes.
  4. Press through your heels and drive your hips upward, squeezing your glutes at the top position.
  5. Lower back down with control and repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

The resistance band adds extra tension throughout the movement, intensifying the activation of your glute muscles. It also helps strengthen core stability as you work to maintain balance and control during the exercise. Incorporating the Resistance Band Hip Thrust into your routine can provide variety and help you continue challenging and strengthening your glute muscles without relying solely on barbell training.

Remember to choose a resistance band that provides adequate tension but still allows you to complete each repetition with proper form. Gradually increase the band’s resistance as you get stronger to continue challenging yourself and promoting muscle growth in your glutes.

Give this Resistance Band Hip Thrust alternative a try for an effective way to target and strengthen your glutes without requiring heavy equipment or a barbell!

Chaos Band Hip Thrust

The chaos band hip thrust is a unique and challenging hip thrust variation that adds an element of instability to your glute workout. This exercise is perfect for those looking to spice up their routine and target their glutes in a different way.

To perform the chaos band hip thrust, you’ll need a resistance band and a stable surface to lean against. Start by placing the resistance band around your hips and securing it in place. Then, position yourself with your back against the stable surface and your feet flat on the ground, shoulder-width apart.

From there, lift your hips off the ground by driving through your heels and squeezing your glutes at the top of the movement. The added resistance from the band will challenge both the concentric and eccentric contractions of your glutes, making this exercise highly effective for building strength and power in these muscles.

Incorporating chaos band hip thrusts into your glute workout routine will not only provide variety but also help improve core stability, coordination, and muscle activation in the gluteus maximus. So if you’re looking for a fun yet challenging alternative to traditional hip thrusts, give chaos band hip thrusts a try!

Common Glute Workout Mistakes

When it comes to glute workouts, there are some common mistakes that people make that can hinder their progress and potentially lead to injury. It’s important to be aware of these mistakes so you can avoid them and get the most out of your glute training. Here are a few common glute workout mistakes to watch out for:

  1. Lack of proper form: One of the biggest mistakes people make is not using proper form during exercises. It’s important to maintain good posture, engage your core, and perform each exercise with control and precision.
  2. Using too much weight: While it may be tempting to lift heavy weights, using too much weight can actually compromise your form and decrease the effectiveness of the exercise. Start with lighter weights and focus on perfecting your technique before gradually increasing the resistance.
  3. Neglecting activation exercises: Many people skip activation exercises that specifically target the glute muscles before moving on to compound movements like squats or deadlifts. Activation exercises help warm up the muscles and increase their recruitment during subsequent exercises.
  4. Poor mind-muscle connection: To effectively target the glutes, it’s important to establish a strong mind-muscle connection. This means focusing on contracting and squeezing the glutes throughout each movement instead of relying solely on momentum.
  5. Neglecting variety: Doing the same glute exercises over and over can lead to plateaus in muscle growth. Incorporating a variety of exercises that target different angles and aspects of the glutes can help break through these plateaus and continue making progress.

By being mindful of these common mistakes, you can optimize your glute training and achieve better results. Remember to prioritize proper form, activate your glutes before each workout, establish a strong mind-muscle connection, and incorporate variety into your routine for maximum gains.


In conclusion, hip thrust alternatives are a great way to target and strengthen the glute muscles without relying solely on the traditional barbell hip thrust. These alternative exercises provide variety to your workouts, prevent boredom, and can be tailored to your fitness level and equipment availability.

Remember to focus on maintaining proper form and technique for each exercise. This includes keeping a neutral spine, engaging your core for stability, and using controlled movements throughout the range of motion.

Whether you’re looking for a bodyweight option or want to add some resistance with bands or weights, there are plenty of excellent alternatives that can help you achieve strong and sculpted glutes. So don’t be afraid to mix things up and try different variations in order to keep your workouts fresh and exciting. Happy lifting!